Learning from solitude
I won’t say that I am an expert of personal growth and I can’t say that I understand the reasoning behind a certain advice I used to give woman who come to me with weepy eyes begging for sage words for a freshly broken heart. I give them the same advice anyway because for some reason, I firmly believed in this particular advice.
I would always begin by asking their relationship history and then tell them: “Spend a year alone without relationships and give yourself some time to grow.”
What about people who’s already done that? Good for you if you are reading this because statistically speaking, woman who’ve done exactly that have never come to me crying about a bad breakup. It’s actually convenient in a way because then, I wouldn’t need to dream up another word of wisdom to give.
I have thus, attempt an analysis of this advice. Medically, there’s something called hormonal mirroring. Psychologically the creative process of unique thought is at stake. Physically, it results in something we are all familiar with: masturbation.
So, it’s been a while since the last time I’ve been truly living alone. My thoughts are finally my own and I don’t find myself wondering why a particular belief sounds so familiar in my head and doubting whether or not it is stolen from any particular person. My thoughts are my own and they are back to being as messed up as I want them to be.
A person’s virtue and integrity is what our society can use to guilt trip us into behaving in the way that it needs us to believe. For without guilt and punishment, how can anyone be expected to do exactly what they want to do and subject themselves to be demeaned and disciplined by a superior. Everyone would be chasing after carrots, without the fear of the sticks. Just like Wall street 2008.
But seriously consider, the laws of society and wonder for once in your life, why are these there? Take drugs and sex with minors for example. Or… sex with anyone for example. Why are the rules forbidding the free participation in any of these? Why not coffee? OH! Because we can’t be trusted to make decisions for ourselves and society will rot. It WILL rot. Because the rules say something that the general populace is afraid of. That without limits, the current human mind is evil enough to destroy the foundation of our race and we will ultimately have to come face to face with this evil and accept that THIS IS US! We did this evil with our full conscientious choice.
I believe in making my own future and that every gain and loss is my own and that I don’t depend on others to give me that. I believed otherwise for a while and regretted spending those time pleasing others. Now? I am full responsibility for the situation I am in, because everything I’ve done until this point is my own, there is no blaming others for anything. Either I let them, or I made a mistake if I ever feel that others are responsible.
I am going to be selfish, I am only going to do anything if it benefit myself and no one else. I am the only one responsible for what I experience in this life and the short time that I have in control of this body.
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