Mystery song
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Getting organized always involves a certain amount of revisiting your old files. Which brings me back time and time again to this particular Chinese song. The song title and artist information has long since been corrupted from several English to Mandarin and Mandarin to English text code conversion. I have a hard time finding a folder for it because it has such a unique style. If I must categorize it, I’d say it is the Chinese version of Evanescence’s: Bring me to life.
I don’t know why, but lately I’ve been listening to it on several occasions and it has always given me calm, perhaps from the somewhat unrecognizable yet comforting Chinese lyrics (Yes, I have the same problem discerning words in songs in Chinese AND in English… No problem in French though). From the little I understand, it sings about promises, love and returning home. For once, a song that’s not entirely for love… a very attractive point when every other cpop song is about love. What I believe attracted me the most is the voice of the female singer. She reminded me of another of my childhood favorite, Frances Ruffelle, whom I first heard in a remix track on Phantom of the Opera.
The only thing I have to rely on is its English title: Millenium.mp3 and the detailed information telling me that it is the genre cpop released in the year 2004 and is track #3 in the album.
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