A blog that impressed me: PickTheBrain
I have gobbled up and filtered through an insane amount of information in the past years now that I have nothing better to do. I still remember being referred to StevePavlina’s personal improvement site and the optimistic view it brought to my life afterwards. That lasted for a good while, but what can I say, junk is junk. I even went as far as trying out a Triphasic Sleep pattern based on his blog posts.
That is when my belief in the truthfulness of that site waned. There’s one major hurdle that he never once mentioned and that everyone else who tried this superhuman sleep pattern has complained about. The problem with sore eyes. It is a fact that our eyes suffers great wear and tear without rest in this superhuman sleep pattern and it is also a fact that he never mentioned anything about it. Add that to the fact that the recent blog posts are filled with fluffs which are designed to generate word counts, not content.
Which brings me to a blog that practices both quality, with real life examples and still manages to keep everything short so your attention don’t wane. Ladies and gentlemen: PickTheBrain
This is one gem out of 6 months of surfing randomly. (The number is so small because blogs exploded in recent years. I often see one author with 2~3 blogs updated regularly). I will continue to read and monitor other similar blogs to see if any contents are copied, but so far, so good and I think it’ll benefit the few people that reads my blog.
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