Am I that bad of a person?

Fred’s going to laugh at this for sure.

There was a late joiner who missed the first class today and she’s around 40 with bleached white hair that are slightly gelled. I thought I’d give an extra helping hand to get her up to speed with the course.

So the smooth leader that I thought I was decided to point out where she made a mistake and have to do a tripple step and go through the motion a few times and even tried to give a few more pointer while the teacher asked us to switch partners.

Right after the switch, she ran out of the studio. I was baffled. Did I, in my eagerness to help, scared her off and shamed her to nothingness? I even took extra percaution to not sound condenscending. Man, everyone must think that I am an asshole or something. Well, maybe I do sound like one, the world I came from is fucked up and weird. I mean, you get teachers telling students to get a boob job and nose job while telling you directly a particular movement looks strange/robotic/weird/sad/fat etc. Oh yeah and they tell you you are fat sometimes.

So maybe my tolerance is higher than normal people in the field of insults and I need to readjust that. In my 8 years of dancing, the worst I’ve got is being refused a dance. This will now take its place on the pedestal as No.1 from now on.

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