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Showcases, Page 2

Presenting people, places, projects and artworks.


2017 year of becoming

Status Growing into my place in society is a slow and long process. I planned it this way as I’ve heard so …

Drink, Dive, Dance 4: Alessia 2

There’d always be some shitty cafes beside the dive shops serving bitter tasting mud that they’d try to pass as coffee accompanied …

Drink, Dive, Dance 3: Laurence

Laurence is French, albeit an atypical one. When nobody is around us on the snowy Annapurna trail, I’d tease her about her …


2016 year of confirmation

Another year, another review of my life, took a while before posting this cause life got in the way. The great experiment …

Vancouver real estate V

Two major events occurred today. 1. I’ve completed one of the major project I have going today and 2. Today marked the beginning …