Simple Diary

There’s something succinctly beautiful about writing down my daily lives on paper. I’ve missed that. This began that way as the Internet and blogging started during my younger years. A simpler time and a simpler mind.

As I grow and gain more experiences, the range of topic I talk about expanded. Soon, it is less about my life and more about what’s happening around the world from my point of view. Then in recent years, as my life gets more interesting and secretive, I have been reducing my writing frequency. If I do write, I steer away from anything sensitive and politically incorrect or keep on topics that has nothing to do with offending people.

The blog also gained some weird clique. There’s the university professor who sends her students here for sleeping study. Travelers interested about Morocco (I do go to other countries you known). Investors still trying to find out what my Magic 8 ball will say next and a lot of you who lands on the first page, look around for old time sake to see if there’s anything new, then leave. I am sure there are others who uses this blog as a study of some topic or another.

Sort of surprised. Google analytics has gotten better at identifying that you guys are actually real human and not bots. It gave me consolation that I am not talking to myself all these time.

The world is changing, but more importantly, the demographic of majority voters is changing. The Millenials, the current majority, are quit easily offended by words. Political power means actual police enforcement power and translate directly to me keeping a few things to myself. Surprisingly, action is still ok.

So during my time away a couple of years ago when I began to not talk about certain things, I’ve joined and experienced a cult, traveled 1/5th of the world, lived on a remote island like Robinson Crusoe,  become a diver, met 10 000+ people from all over the world, meditated in India, fought a drug gang, swam in the Ganga River and hiked the Himalayans. I have also, finally trained enough to have six pack of stomach muscle show up clearly. (Can’t wait for summer to show off). These sounds interesting, but I am still hiding certain things that cannot be said. A traveler once asked me a question and I told her that the world is crueler than the movies depict.

I plan on eventually telling these stories to my readers, but I need some time to mentally prepare and also letting enough time pass by so that events and people are less recognizable. To finally say fuck all to political correctness and take on the consequences is not an easy decision. Also, to again bare my inner thoughts to everyone…

It’s because, I’ve reached a mental state where I am fine with showing you these things. I had some reservation before about people in real life, (work, home, friendship) reading these things and having an advantage over me. Since I am no longer in contact with any of my acquaintances and the few real friends I keep. Well, they’ve already heard all my adventures and inner thoughts.

So I am stuck in Canada for 9 months and there will probably be loads of time to type and write. I do miss writing on paper so yeah… Going to do something about it.

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