Around the world: Varanasi

March 27

It’s already been 3 days and I’ve already forgotten about time. At 100 INR per night at Kumiko’s Ghost house, Whether I stay or not doesn’t matter.

Alas, I got sick the day I arrived. Then I got food poisoning yesterday so I just spend today passed out. My guess is the lassi I ate. 

Met Celine a French woman and two Chinese girls. It feels good that the chinese girls helped me when I was sick. I’ve never had people cared on the road. I thoight that maybe I am going to die here in a delirious state.


Be at one with everything or be miserable

Something I joked about, but is becoming more and more evident. 

I went to Celine’s healing meditation center. The guru always seems to know so much about a new comer, but I later found out that it is because Celine told him about me. Her needs for this guru to be an all knowing person has clouded her mind a lot on what we discussed. Because her guru said so, my wandering around the world is seen as a mess and my meditation is all over the place because i am going around learning all these meditation techniques. “But Celine, I know exactly where I am going and I’ve only ever learned one technique.” 

In any case, what was insignificant got blown out of proportion. The guru wanted to be more alphal. My gut feeling says this is not the right one for me. It’s not the exchange that made me feel this way, but the feeling of this person. I’ve met others who feels more enlightened than me. This person is not.

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