Thrill of the deal

If you look at my Twitter, which is just a work log nowadays, you’ll see that I’ve been cleaning, dumping and selling everything in my power to get back to the original minimalistic lifestyle. Tyler Durden’s mantra in the background as a constant reminder that I don’t need any of these. “Buying shit I don’t need, with money I don’t have to impress people I don’t like.” The iPad3 (or transformer prime 2) is justifiable as it is for work, but the digital camera… the EOS 5D. I couldn’t figure out who if I am trying to impress someone (and who).

In the mean time, I am finding the whole deal making process to be a thrill for me. Kind of like a latent awakening of the salesman in my heritage. Once I get past the inital injured pride and anger at lowball offers and actually counter offered. I discovered a satisfying experience in an emotionless back and fourth. The person who gets pissed off and walks away, usually ends up losing more in the long run. Either through time decay of the value (time spent for buyer) or not able to push enough for a better deal. Most of these emotional responses are from people not understanding whether or not they are in the position of power in the negotiation. Which leads to the power of information, automation to bring in more leads and eventually, the obfuscation and deceit of power play in the negotiation.

What a wonderful chess game… too bad I sucked at chess. Am still afraid to play because I have a 100% loss rate against my brother.

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