Dear temptation

I am sure this picture will resonate with ballroom competitors. That moment of waiting, when your adrenaline is coursing thorough your veins and you are numb from all feelings, yet still somehow anxious. And you are not allowed your moment of peace to be with yourself to prepare and deal with it because everyone’s attention is on you, expecting you to behave like the fantasy that is in their imagination.

Dress color and lighting works only with certain effects, I am beginning to see it now and it’s taking me less time to pick out what to do with each picture. That is the route I am going to go, instead of applying a uniform picture across all my works on dance. The result is less quantity, but really, how many shots of natural-spin-turn do I need in my life?

They have that classic look and standard dances are all about class… and stereotypes. So Titanic it is, but I was torn between showing her musculature or smoothing it out. It’s one of the eye candies I’ve always enjoyed on dancerettes have always been their muscular backs. Call it a fetish if you must, I am just conditioned to associate a muscular back with a life time’s dedication to training.

There are a lot of what I consider must have shots, but out of a 2~3 minute dance they appear for about 5 seconds only and it is only dumb luck that allows these to happen in front of me. Those shots are fleeting and are what I aim to achieve. Until then, I can only practice editing on these shots… Stills of transitions between moments, stolen glances between couples and sometimes… genuine smiles on the faces of dancers.

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