Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13
- Done taxes. The government owes me 2k. No more filing Quebec taxes ever. Woot #
- Federal tax done. Next is doing the messed up Quebec tax for the last time in my life. #
- @milo317 haha good one #
- Saudi Arabia protest this weekend. #
- Damn it can't trade options on iPhone. #
- Thank you TD for organizing and calculating all my trades for me, making tax filing a breeze. #
- Doing things on my iPhone is actually faster than my laptop #
- iPhone is back online #
- It's spring in Vancouver. Wow. #
- @aleksanne Because you idolize normal. #
- So what causes http packets to be partially received in normal browser, but has no problem through TOR? #
- Bahh. Going to bed. If this doesn't fix itself tmw. I'll be stuck without any access to trading… AGAIN #
- @SamanthaZero That sounds pretty similar. Thx I'll look it up. #
- @SamanthaZero Actually, a question just popped into my head. Is there some physics engine similar to Box2D? #
- @SamanthaZero Will do. Just added you so I can check back after my PC is fixed. BTW, amazed by Unity's performance on my 5yr old laptop. #
- @TelusSupport anything weird going on with Internet? I get partial webpages on certain sites while others are fine. #
- @SamanthaZero I'd like to learn #
- Anyone else on Telus having weird Internet problems? #
- My laptop is slowly dying under my abusive PC habits. #
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