Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27
- WTF? Cigarette smoking has a positive effect on inflammatory bowel? #
- I am pretty sure that this greyhound lady that i am trying to buy ticket from is asleep… #
- If I count what I do as work, which I don't. I have been working non stop for 14 hours since I woke up at 6:30AM #
- #NCIX FAIL. Called the service shop. Tech said that it's actually going to take 6 weeks… Tech used delay tactic over the phone. #
- Overall, very interesting time. My mind is kept very happy with analysis and prime computations to do. I love predicting and being right. #
- At the rate oil is going up. I am surprised that the Chinese government hasn't taken an assassination contract out on Gadaffi. #
- Saudi Arabia is scheduled to be March 20th. Who's organizing all this behind a black curtain? The events does not seem random. #
- Tostada y jamon mith Kaiser. Mon favori. #
- @natashaduchene Which of your homes have a lake? #
- @gnorb No. I am not as good as George Soros. Ask him how he planned all the recent revolts. #
- New strategy based on CDS. Buy bonds, buy CDS, then naked short a company to death. #
- We are now in godless land as CDS comes online to be freely traded by retail investors. #
- @natashaduchene Nonsense, you loved snow and the cold… #
- Nukes, oil and green tech. I have subconsciously maneuvered my portfolio into taking advantage of the current revolts… Wow. #
- Can't sleep. I think I'll go scan some books. #
- Going through craigslist odd jobs section because I've never done some of these before. No McDonald burger flipper position though. #
- Korea suffering depression style bank run. Will it be South Korea or Yemen to fall next after Libya? #
- @CosmicVoyager Should probably organize a group purchase
- @gnorb I am going through Atlas Shrugged. A very heavy book that I couldn't finish in 2 days. #
- @milo317 After. I am reduced to cleaning my house over and over because that's currently the most efficient use of my time. #
- @CosmicVoyager Know of any special venues I can use to get me one in Canada? #
- @gnorb Wow, I can't believe you are reading that book at the same time as me.Sounds like a rennaissance of the author. #
- So apparently #NCIX repair shop is still stuck at step 0 after 7 days of waiting because they don't have a replacement mobo in stock. FAIL #
- Been a week without my PC. I feel like I've wasted so much time. #
- OMG we are so fucked. Local Canadians will be responsible for Chinese created housing bubble if it bursts. When the Chinese can walk…. #
- Oh… Woke up early again for the market only to find out it's a public holiday. #
- My nightmares would make for great disaster movie plots #
- Jen is hawt. #
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