Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13
- Great, managed to break my iphone after a week. #
- Just noticed that BC's marginal tax rate for dividend for income below $41544 is negative… i.e. gov gives you 10% more on dividends. #
- Suddenly realized that my carpal tunnel is gone. Another benefits of retirement. #
- Wow I woke up at 8 am today instead of the usual jet lagged 1pm #
- Social media consolidation test #
- Olympic village going on sale with a 50% discount. Yummy #
- Can't sleep. Still adjusting to the time assassins. #
- Net worth increased by a mere 50% in 2010. I guess I won't be retiring at 35. #
- Certain things are done faster on iPhone. Take twitter for example. #
- @somerled Pen. It's shaped like the dick. #
- May the force be with you tomorrow my fellow Egyptian netizens. #
- The only ceramic studio I can find are in Burnaby. Need to make special stuff for baking #
- Something shady is going on with CRTC. First UBB now this: CRTC plan to lift ban on false news prompts political investigation #
- yummy 20 hour nap after I flew back from Taiwan. Home sweet home. #
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