Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-26
- Officially, I have no job… I wonder if I can use my investment account statement to show my income to landlords? #
- Forced to change all my passwords because gawker's CEO ran his mouth and dissed anon. When are CEO going to understand: 1 man < mass. #
- YES! China hiked interest rate. The world is finally moving towards my predicted outcome. #
- Fuck Christmas. All it does is make me want to see my family more for Chinese new year. #
- This game needs to live: #
- Why isn't 4chan DDos'ing Apple for pulling wikileaks app? #
- I see green everywhere. #
- Fighting Levina's cold virus #
- China to the rescue of the Euro debt crisis. How Ironic. #
- So… Assange killed net neutrality. ATT and Verizon can now charge a toll for traffic. #
- LOL CPP lost 40 bil and now they are trying to sale the rate hike as "ensuring" Canadians have enough saving for retirement. #
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