Cutting the mess away


I cut my hair that I’ve been growing ever since something. If I have to put a title for it, I’d say it’s the jaded period. Unbeknownst to me, I started to accumulated all this crap over time and my hair was a direct reflection of what I was actually feeling inside. For some reason, putting up with all the strands of hairs that poke into my eyes, nose and mouth every other second seems natural. It gnaws at the shield I erected to numb myself and get away from these pesky little problems, but eventually, I ended up having to cut them all away. Kind of like what I did with my life.

A clean cut and a clean start. My new life philosophy is to keep everything simple, throw/sell anything I haven’t touched for more than 6 months. Complete a project before I start another one and focusing only on at most 3 projects at a time.

So, here’s a pic of my current look. Of course, I couldn’t just post a picture without editing it. So I took the chance to further develop my picture’s unique style to add some color to that rugged scorched earth look.


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