Funny business 22: To lead or not to lead
These people are professionals at making things happen.
The teams on both side of the conference calls are getting bigger and bigger and the titles sounds more impressive than before. Chief Engineer, VP and people with signing power listening in on the conference in case the NDA needs to be quickly revised or certain information needs management approval before being revealed. I really welcomed the introduction of management type into our conversation as bring an air of non-nonsense to the table. The nerdy and geeky types stopped their quarreling and there’s a general lack of ego boasting.
There are several traits I noticed about them, the most important of which are: clear voice, not deep nor high pitched. They are direct and to the point unlike the bullshitting I that usually accompanies the management types. They are not afraid to take a back seat and let the team member with more knowledge on the subject speak. They were Engineers too and they know that one person cannot know everything. It gives me something to aspire to.
Before this, I’ve always looked at the leadership role as something that’s shoved to me due to the inability of others. But as I encounter and meet more and more leaders that inspires me, I find myself wanting to do the same, to become them. My attitude towards work changed too making me a better employee in general.
You should never overlook the effects of inspiration.
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