Another working Christmas for me
Some update on just daily life since I haven’t written journal like entries for a while.
Since I used up all my vacation time for the trip, and my famillies will all be overseas, I will be working through most of the Christmas time except for the mandatory 2 days. At least, there ARE lots of things to ponder after an eventful year. Or I should take this time to complete one of my projects and successfully pick my first padlock like a good thief would do.
Sometimes I wish I can have a normal Christmas… If I am white. Truth is, I am not and I never understands Christmas. Nor do I feel the warmth of Christmas. How is the loneliest holiday in the world for most people a good thing? I’d rather have a good traditional Chinese New year. Now THAT is what I miss the most.
The economy is doing so bad that the odds of me actually getting laid off has surpassed 50%. I guess I should mentally and financially prepare for that eventuality. If that happens, all these optimization I’ve done would’ve been for nothing. Just when I finally figured out an email system that works for 20+ emails a day scenario and my inbox finally reached 0.
Projects are getting completed left and right now that I have adapted a new method. Rather, reverted back to the old method of SINGLE TASKING. It makes sense in two ways. One, you don’t have to task switch. Two, it makes others feel that you are dedicated. Which is true.Writing a project journal entry really helps too. It allow me to see the small progresses, while reminding me that I have to do something before writing any entry.
Causalien Out.
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