Nuit blanche sur tableau noir 2007

Nuit blanche sur tableau noir is an annually recurring festival on the first weekend of June. Located on the famous Mont-Royal avenue, the mixture of drunk party goers, sober/stoned artists along with in-your-face photographers present visitors with a most interesting twist.Organizers of this event changes the theme every year so it’s never the same. This year’s comic book take is one of the harder ones to do on asphalt. Some of the artists struggled to supersize their comic cells, but most are just happy to draw. I am content with watching.

The night gave me with a second try at low light photography, which in turn, netted me a very important lesson. NEVER use zoom unless you have a tripod and never use tripod unless you are taking a static scenic shot. It explains why, the other more experienced photographers at the event are taking the shots just inches from the artists themselves. My jaw dropped at the invasion of private space at first, then slowly, I started to see like their ways. It is the only way to get a full spectrum high resolution unblurred image.

Hard working solo artist. This one comes preparedAn event for the whole familyThe preparation and socializing are part of the game4.jpgSome use this chance to tell their life storiesSome to snap that perfect pictureMaking art from people making artHow many people does it take to draw a page of comic?Two is enough. You can tell just by looking that this guy has the skills and is hardcore. The pose, the cell in hand and the unshaven beardHis main character: a fishIN YO FACE filmingMy mistake, IN YO BUTT filmingA general view of the streetSome destroyed artI couldn't picture mohawk and comic artist together before this one.

The event lasted 3 days and you get street performers alongside a big street-wide sale of wares on Mont-Royal Avenue.

This is an interesting pair who makes Jitterbug swing music. The guy plays a guitar made out of metal and the singer does the cello with a stick and a rope.The same pair from a different angle. By this time I was so impressed that I got their business card in case anyone needs a live band: Brian & Danielle 514 276 9131Singer with violin. Interesting pairOld makes music while the young gets their faces painted. Very tribal indeedOf course, the festival is not complete without a full body painting.This is probably why Montreals traffic is so bad all year round. Same reason my most used mode of transportation is still my bicycleThe stage was given to kids who's going to be our future artistsHe is going to rock the worldWe have hope of an adam and eveThe kids versions are smaller in scale, but has more contributors

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