Hindered by money

It seems that I over estimated my frugalness and underestimated the social activities costs. So, most of my projects are yet again on hold because I don’t have the means to buy the materials. My financials are pretty complicated, but suffice to say that I can’t take money out at the moment and there’s a deadline of paying something. My cash value cannot support the money flow of debt to return.

Photography: $150

I can still take pictures, but I think I’ve pretty much explored most of the possibilities of a Vanilla camera. I’ve ordered the most basic lens hood for my camera for $20, but the rest is going to be on hold. Next item in line is a $110 external zoom flash self adjusts based on zoom level as well as the ISO setting. It is crucial for capturing movement in low lighting condition until the new night sensor comes out in 2009.  I also need about $20 in basic material cost to finish up the DIY photography backdrop for when I have models over…

Longer term, I will be getting a wide angle lens and telephoto lens for architectures and sports.

Home Improvement: $920

I am debating whether or not to finish my couch. It’ll cost about $200 in materials and without it, I only have enough sitting place to invite two people over at a time. $50 for a projector screen, $400 for a projector and $270 for Nintendo Wii. I should be set by then.

Longer term, I’d like to get a full set of kitchen knives and spices with a wide variety of sauces.

Computer: $512

Just bought 2GB of RAM for $60 complimenting the 1GB already in my computer. It’s just in time as my Photoshop usage often exceeds 1GB usage. However, I still don’t feel complete because a few games are coming out that I have to get: Half life Black box (Includes HL2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Portal and TF2)  $60, Spore $50. Probably spend about $100 on graphic card. Oh, and the materials to build my own computer case. Estimated at about $40. Then add a My book world edition to backup all my digital files. $130. Re-register domain $72

Longer term, I want two more computer monitors and eventually upgrade my cpu plus logitec’s airmouse

Self Improvement: $220

Need to finish my German class Level 2. Registration is $220.

Longer term, I’d like to back pack through Africa and take more salsa lessons.

Total: $1802
It’s not much, but I have to find a way to come up with this money. I am hungry and well motivated.

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