What was easy…
I took some time to remember the achievements in my life so I can further affirm that I am not a worthless pile of flesh. One of the memories that immediately got conjured up was that of my high school english class.
I keep failing english tests because the exam was in french. Not only do I have to learn the words in english, I also have to learn the words in french at the same time. What end up happen most of the time is I just forced myself to remember the sound of the two words without knowing what they mean. That makes me pass vocabulary… then comes comprehension. Listening in english and translate to french, that was what made me fail the class.
The worst thing in my english class is the fact that it's english for beginners, so the teacher gave most of the lecture in french and I spend most of that time drawing.
Math at least was easy because I understand the symbols and doesn't need to understand the teacher's explanation. If I run into a problem all I have to do is try to find out how I can manipulate the numbers before to get to the end result. Still failed a few math tests because the procedure I used for division is not right (Yes there's a french way of doing it).
From that to where I am. I've come a long way and I should not despair from a minor setback.
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