Old meets new

I’ve been blogging and surfing the web for about 10 years now. Starting at the time when BBS first got replaced by the Internet and text based web pages are owned and created by people who knows what they are doing.

My own half hearted attempt started me with the notepad and dos ftp commands while using windows paint as the picture editor, back at a time when no visual editor is available, I literally lined up pictures using the “table” tag by incrementing the width, height etc. It was impossible to be an artist and still able to learn web programming to have a decent page up. Which is why I always lose myself in one of the wonderful 8bit color pages I come upon. These are pages created by masters of technology at a days when only those have the ability to create. Needless to say, it was filled with technical jargon and represents the net in its infancy.
Later, with the introduction of photoshop and dreamweaver, I felt an increase of artists who bared the difficulties of tech and mastered it to represent their art. It is a rush to me when I discovered cliques of artists that showed me clean and unique designs. I opt out of creating anything on the net because I know that there’s no way I can come close to these masters in terms of graphics and writing. Knowing that the net is heading in the right direction, I withdrawn myself thinking that there’s nothing that I can contribute that can be worth anything compared to them. A focus on real life brought me some happiness.

It is to my disgust when I returned to serious blogging and designing that the current state of the net are cluttered with ads and copied contents. A design that looked good doesn’t directly translate to the owner’s skill. A great writing that gives me goosebumps doesn’t necessarily reflect the mind of the author.

All these contributed to the style I adopted and the people that I value online. I don’t like to have too many choices presented to me, but I like a few quality ones presented to me by people who’s decisions I trust. I will do the same and help eliminate the clutter that I currently feel imposed on us by the commercialization of everything. For money generation, I have another one that nobody reads. (Surprisingly, it has a few readers that kept on coming back, although from a different part of the world than those who check this one). Why would anyone want to read my commercialized blog is beyond me because I try my best to make it undesirable so they don’t waste their time.

Oh how I wish for the good ol days of blogging. When the knowledge needed to publish ensures that those without the skills and time gets filtered out.

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