Lead Follow

Contrary to my initial assumption, the role of leader is not determined based on who's got more experience.

Initially, the core of lead and follow exist within the interaction between two person's character. A new leader and new follower will bring what they understand in life into the lead-follow relationship hence creating improper way of executing the lead and follow.

Without proper guidance from seasoned veterans, rarely does the lead-follow relationship evolves into a coherent form of interaction. Usually, it ends up either the leader doing too much for the follower, or in case of a weak lead, the follower pushes for the leader to lead.

The perfect way to lead comes not from guiding or indicating where to go, but is a result of non guidance of your follower. For this to happen, the leader must think only of himself and goes where he wants to go. It is only when he arrived, that he take the time to feel if the follower is with him and to anticipate if the follower is ready for the next step. For this the leader must develop a hightened ability to sense his followers, to read their mind and understand what they are thinking.

To follow is to be able to hold one's own weight, to be ready to move when the leader goes. Still as a tree when motionless yet move with one's whole might to catch up if the leader decide to go. The follower must not present any burden to the leader for any such movement will distract the leader from his role and turn him into an iron grip dictator.

Near perfection, the lead-follow interaction all feel the same as both party become more and more accustomed to their role. Again, this contradicts my initial assumption on lead-follow because as skill increases, every couple's lead-follow interaction become the same and the only trait that sepetates them are how they react to different situations.

From this reflection my conclusion is that there's a universay way of communicating between human that make up the lead-follow relationship. There is one perfect way to lead and there is one perfect way to follow.

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