The next month of my life just became hell because of the few words that came out from HP's Eric: “If we don't get 2500 full working chips by september 21, the project is dropped.”
This is the reality of how big companies does buisness. They have the money and power to support such strategies that pushes small companies like us over the edge.
It doesn't matter that they changed half of the specs the month before tape out nor does it matter that their constant request for documents slows us down considerably. You either meet the deadline, or everyone's career dies with the project. The factory needs one month after receiving the database, so that means August 21st is the final final deadline. We assume one month for all the presims and posims if we found the bug in our usb and replaced the pll with someone elses' through an Engineering Change Order(ECO). Time seems short.
I secretly wish that we would fail. Then I'd have an excuse for going back to Canada finally.
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