It is very difficult, for my part, not to show off what I know.
Often, I have to stop myself from saying something and think about how others will hear from what I said. It is a hard training, to swallow my pride, my desire to be known and just content with being a nobody. It is hard to hide, when I know so much and can converse freely on way too many topics. People often came to a sudden realization that I know exactly what they are talking about.
I do however, enjoy what I've been learning from shutting up and just listening to people showing off their knowledge. Sometimes I really respect their broad range of knowledge, however, in the mean time, they are exposing their weakness.
The desire to be known and heard shows an insecure ineer self who is confused about the self that has come to be.
What I am interested though, are those who decided to keep to themselves. I always wonder when someone says “I don't do much on my freetime” or “i don't know, I like all of the styles, there really isn't any preferences.” I wonder if they are really that boring, or they are trying to hide something.
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